Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

aw_Triangulator is powerful After Effects script that creates Delaunay triangulation effect using position from selected layers and has some nice additional features.

- Animate Masks inside After Effects using built-in tracker
- Break Masks into vertices using “Null” layers
- Create triangulation effect (triangles via Shape Layers).
- Clone custom layer using positions from selected layers.
- Additional panel for batch add / customize expressions throught all selected layers

Whats new
- New simplified UI.
- Progressbar for each functions.
- Added "BG" button that quickly setup layer to color triangles.
- Clamp function for "Color radius". Now if you`ll change color radius to 0 or less triangles won`t crash.
- Moved all icons to aw_Triangulator_icons.jsxinc now can delete previous folder with icons.
- New PDF manual

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